Last January 30 José Rallo spoke at the “ Mediterranean Alimentation ” round-table discussion moderated by Attilio Romita (RAI 1 News) in the context of the “Communicating Health” conference.
The event was organized by the Portofino Coast Consortium and the “Degree Course in Communication Sciences” at San Raffaele Life-Health University and sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Health. The conference was held at the Hotel Excelsior in Rapallo and Minister Livia Turco made the opening speech.
The main topic of discussion at the various round-tables discussions attended, among others, by consumer sociologist Giampaolo Fabris, sociologist Francesco Alberoni and the founder of the Lifegate eco-culture project, Marco Roveda, was health in relation to communications: information, disinformation, the patient-doctor relationship and the relationship between eating habits and well-being.
José Rallo’s remarks were addressed to this last segment of discussion since wine is an integral part of Italian and European dietary habits as well as an important part of Mediterranean culture. Donnafugata wished to emphasize once again the importance of a knowledgeable and balanced attitude toward wine consumption. Wine is a source of pleasure and enjoyment and it also contributes to the mental and physical well being of people who drink it moderately and with meals (1 to 2 glasses a day for women, 2 to 3 for men). For Donnafugata, communicating wine means creating a wine mentality, promoting knowledge of the history of wine and of the regions that produce it, treating wine as a “describer” of the aromas and flavors typical of the terroirs from which they come.
Donnafugata promotes a lifestyle that is a way of living in harmony with the self and with nature, proposing accompaniments to wine to be listened to and “metabolized”, and protecting the environment by means of a photovoltaic installation that uses renewable sources of clean energy.
Finally, where charitable work for health is concerned, Donnafugata has made and sold 12,000 CDs of “Donnafugata Music & Wine Live.” In that way, the estate collected €120,000, all of which was donated to the Palermo non-profit association ABC Onlus that aids children with heart diseases.
As a tie-in to the “Communicating Health” conference, the Portofino Coast Consortium instituted the Portofino Coast Health Prize. This is an important award to be given each year to a person distinguishing him- or herself in the health field, with particular reference to aspects linked to communications. The first award went to Prof. Umberto Veronesi.
Baldo M. Palermo [email protected] phone +39 0923 724226
Laura Ellwanger: [email protected] phone. +39 0923 724258
Nando Calaciura [email protected] mob. +39 338 3229837