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Press Releases

A Francesco Piccolo il Premio “Tomasi di Lampedusa”sostenuto da Donnafugata
Il Premio letterario internazionale “Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa”, giunto quest’anno alla XVIII edizione, verrà consegnato allo scrittore e sceneggiatore Francesco Piccolo per il romanzo “La bella confusione”, il 5 agosto, durante la cerimonia di premiazione a Santa Margherita di Belice. L’autore sarà anche ospite della Tenuta di Donnafugata a Contessa…
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Calici di Stelle: immersive experiences where wine meets art and nature
A calendar of moonlight events to celebrate wine in the beautiful gardens of Donnafugata. Headline event on 10 August at Contessa Entellina with an incredible immersive and multisensory experience. Calici di Stelle runs from 4 to 20 August with sophisticated tastings and artistic performances at the Vittoria, Pantelleria, Etna and…
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Donnafugata together with Dolce&Gabbana to celebrate the beauty of Alta Moda in Puglia
The most evocative locations of the Valle d’Itria formed the backdrop to the annual Dolce&Gabbana Alta Moda events. The wines of the collection created in collaboration with Donnafugata were also on show From 8 to 11 July 2023, the Valle d’Itria was the location for a series of spectacular Dolce&Gabbana…
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Cantine Aperte 2023 at Donnafugata
On Sunday May 28th, Donnafugata will be opening all its estates to welcome wine lovers on the occasion of Cantine Aperte (Open Wineries), the must-attend spring event organised by the Movimento del Turismo del Vino (Wine Tourism Movement): a day devoted to the encounter of wine, music, and sustainability From…
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Nomacorc Ocean, il nuovo tappo di Vinventions che contribuisce a proteggere gli oceani, in anteprima mondiale per Donnafugata
Il nuovo tappo di Vinventions è la prima chiusura per vini al mondo ad essere prodotta riciclando plastica raccolta nelle zone costiere, e destinata a finire negli oceani (Ocean Bound Plastic). Per il lancio a livello mondiale di questo progetto Vinventions ha scelto di collaborare con Donnafugata: la storica cantina…
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Nomacorc Ocean, the new Vinventions wine closure that helps to protect the oceans: a world premiere for Donnafugata
The new Vinventions closure is the first in the world to be produced by recycling plastic collected in coastal areas and destined to end up in the oceans (Ocean Bound Plastic). For the worldwide launch of this project, Vinventions has partnered with Donnafugata: The historic Sicilian winery will…
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Ben Ryé Passito di Pantelleria, awarded by the most important Guides
The Donnafugata’s iconic wine has received the highest recognition from the most prestigious Italian and international wine guides. This has been a great year for Ben Ryé: Donnafugata’s Passito di Pantelleria achieved the highest recognition of all the most important Italian wine guides; from Gambero Rosso to Doctor Wine, from…
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Donnafugata is one of the 50 best wine tourism destinations in the world
Donnafugata e la Sicilia del vino di qualità raggiungono un nuovo prestigioso traguardo. Come annunciato ieri a Mendoza, in Argentina, la World’s Best Vineyards Academy colloca l’azienda siciliana per la prima volta tra le 50 migliori cantine nel mondo per l’esperienza di visita e degustazione offerta agli enoturisti.
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The “Khamma Trail” at Donnafugata to discover the biodiversity of Pantelleria
A nature trail in the suggestive Pantelleria landscape to discover the perfect harmony between nature and agriculture Donnafugata inaugurates the “Khamma Trail” on its Pantelleria estate, an experience designed to raise and enhance the awareness about the extraordinary biodiversity of the island that became a National Park in 2016.
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Passiperduti, a new interpretation of Grillo for Donnafugata
Donnafugata previews Passiperduti at Vinitaly, a poetic wine from the high hill vineyards of the Contessa Entellina estate. A timeless Grillo, with an elegant and floral soul, surprising for its minerality and persistence.
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Rebirth: The New Donnafugata Music & Wine Album
The repertoire of jazz and Brazilian music sung by Josè Rallo appears on the main streaming platforms with the third album: Rebirth.
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Contesa dei Venti, a surprising Nero D’Avola
An emblematic red wine, a product of the Vittoria area and of an original interpretation by Donnafugata. Contesa dei Venti is a woman gently caressed by the wind that comes from a dialogue between the sea and the Iblei mountains. Elegant, with an enveloping personality, this is the…
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